martedì 16 marzo 2010

That look you give that guy

It always seems like you're going somewhere better than you've been before

While I go to sleep and I dream all night of you knocking at my door

Video and picture give a funny and sarcastic view to a song I currently make mine

Roosters in Milan

Walking around the streets of Milan, instead of meeting chic ladies or charming men, I meet a rooster. And my day turns brighter than it already was!

domenica 14 marzo 2010

Mine Vaganti

E' più faticoso stare zitti che dire quello che si pensa

My terrace

Finally a wonderful day in Milan, and what could be better than inviting special friends over for lunch or for a healthy merenda? Next step will be my birthday aperitivo and following that...getting a professional graffiti on the terrace's walls!! Can't wait!

lunedì 8 marzo 2010

Home Sweet Home - the living room

This is where I've been living for the past 5 years: my colourful, comfy and messy living room. Each room of my lovely attic is characterized by a spectrum of colours. The living room, and whatever may still fit in it, is and will be lilac, orange, yellow, pink or pale green!


One of the sweetest songs out there at the moment

Il sughero inumidito e i mocassini: la criptonite della Regina di Cuori

Evitare categoricamente di vedere Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie e Shutter Island nella stessa settimana a meno che non ci si voglia ritrovare alle 4am con luci accese, panico generale e nessunissima voglia di tornare a dormire.